Current Gold and Silver Prices per ounce

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Silver price by
Contact:Ken Brown
[email protected]
Motherboard Large Socket$4.50Mixed Computer Wire$0.80
Motherboard Small Socket$2.40Cat5 Cat6 Wire$1.25
Motherboard laptop$4.90Copper Aluminum Heat Sink$1.00
Server Board Large Socket$4.25Copper Heat Sinks$2.50
Server Board Small Socket$3.40Aluminum Heat Sinks$0.50
Finger Boards (PCI) w/ bracket$4.50Fans$0.10
Telecom Low Grade$5.00Laptop Batteries$0.65
Telecom High Grade$6.50Cell Phone Batteries$0.65
Mid Grade (Peripheral)$1.80Lead Acid Batteries$0.10
Low Grade $0.35NiCad$0.00
Back Plane$3.60NiMH$0.00
Cell Phone boards$14.00
RAM Gold$26.00CPU
RAM Silver$10.00386/486 Gold Cap$160.00
Rambus$10.00Double side gold cap$100.00
Hard Drive boards$13.00Pentium Pro Gold Cap$100.00
Cyrix/IBM/VIA gold Cap$70.00
Server complete$0.75Black fiber$45.00
Server Incomplete$0.65Pentium/AMD/Mac Ceramic$44.00
PC tower complete$0.55AMD K6$25.00
PC tower incomplete$0.45Green/Brown Fiber No Metal$18.00
Laptops Complete (includes CPU, RAM, Battery)$1.00Slot processor$16.00
Laptops Incomplete (must include Motherboard)$1.00P4/Green fiber w/ Metal$12.00
Cell Phones w/o battery$3.50No Pin CPU$6.00
Cell phones w/ battery$3.25
tablets$0.75Warehouse Address:
AC Adaptor w/ wire$0.45901 Joyce Kilmer Ave.
AC Adaptor w/o wire$0.25North Brunswick, NJ 08902
AC Adapter laptop$1.00
Power Supply w/ wire$0.45Appointment contact:
Power Supplies w/o wire$0.40Emilio: 908-208-1016
Power supply server$0.55
Hard Drive w/ Board$0.90
Hard Drive shredded$0.70
Hard Drive shredded w/ caddy$0.60
Office Phones$0.35
Docking Station$0.28
CD/DVD Drive $0.25
Switch/Router Networking Equipment$0.80
UPS w/ Battery$0.30
UPS w/o battery$0.30
Misc. Electronics$0.05
Credit Card Machines$0.75

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